be happy!
Autor: Popa Silvia  |  Album: fara album  |  Tematica: Diverse
Resursa adaugata de just_silvia_18 in 25/03/2009
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You think that your life is hard,that you have the bigest problems and nobody understand you,everyday you would like that somebody would listen you and consoule you,but who are you?Are in this world a lot of other problems to face.You're not that important.This world is not around you.Wake up!!
How many of you would like to be poor or sick with an incurable disease?No one,I'm right?
But how much fortune you have now,it can be gone just like that.
God is give you with large hand but if you're bot happy with what you have,He will take them back and give them to poor.That's the circle of life.
Be happy with what you have .God gave them to you.
Be happy:
-with your health-it could be worst
-with your family-you may lose them
-with your financials-you could become the poorest in a minute
God has a great power in Heaven and on earth.Believe His word.He could change your life in a minute if you're not happy with it.
be happy with what you have.It could be worst.
I learned to cherish the things I received in my life and be happy with it.I know that it could be and it can be worst than this,so I thank God for what I received from Him.Thank Him for your blessings.
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